Crimson Sky – Bouquet of Red Roses
The ultimate symbol of love, our Red Roses Bouquet is a gift that will be cherished, available for flower delivery in Bangalore. Carefully arranged by our florist, these 20 stunning roses surrounded by colored gypsy flowers make a lovely display and come delivered in a striking contemporary ecofriendly paper packaging.
What you get
No. of Stems: 20
Type of Flowers: Roses
Colour of flowers: Red
Perfect gifting for: Anniversary, Romantic Moments
These images are from a recent flower delivery in Bangalore that we dispatched to customers like you. Flowers and plants, as well as additional presents, are natural goods over which we have little influence. As a result, we may change some flowers depending on the season and availability to ensure that the gifts with flowers delivered to you are fresh and of great quality. Because these are natural goods, plant size and appearance may vary. The artefacts in the image are intended for illustration reasons and may not accurately represent the gift included in the arrangement.
Excellent quality flowers