White Harmony: Bunch of Hydrangea n Tuberoses
This stunning white arrangement features pristine hydrangeas, fragrant tuberoses, classic roses, and delicate carnations, all complemented by lush greenery. Wrapped in soft tulle with a golden ribbon, this bouquet embodies elegance. The all white floral bouquet represents cleanness, harmony and renewal. It expresses feelings of peace, togetherness, and that the love shared is eternal. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or to bring a touch of serenity to any space.
At Fresh Knots, we offer same-day flower delivery at your door steps in Bangalore, ensuring your bouquet arrives fresh and on time for the moments that matter most.
What You Get
Type of arrangement: Hand Bunch
Type of Flowers: Hydrangeas, Tuberoses(Rajnigandha), Roses, Carnation
Colour of flowers: White
Perfect gifting for: Friends, Colleague, Spouse
Why Fresh Knots?
At Fresh Knots, we offer same day flower delivery within Bangalore including timely delivery of your flower order as special occasions deserve a little more specialness. In a world of fast-moving technology where people opt shopping online, we fulfill the gifting and décor requirement of those who value aesthetics and personal or sentimental value. In addition, we offer customized designs, and our products are delivered fast and efficiently providing a stress-free experience to our clients.
These images are from a recent flower delivery in Bangalore that we dispatched to customers like you. Flowers and plants, as well as additional presents, are natural goods over which we have little influence. As a result, we may change some flowers depending on the season and availability to ensure that the gifts with flowers delivered to you are fresh and of great quality. Because these are natural goods, plant size and appearance may vary. The artefacts in the image are intended for illustration reasons and may not accurately represent the gift included in the arrangement.